We would like to take the time to thank our sponsors of the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast.
These companies make it possible for us to produce this podcast and bring it to you every week.
Please take the time to visit their websites and thank them as well!
- Amara (Organic baby foods)
- Baby K’tan (baby carrier)
- Better Milk Banana (breastmilk spatula)
- Body Bib (bib that covers whole body)
- BoobieJuice (freeze drying breastmilk)
- Breastpumps.com (insurance covered breast pumps)
- Cake Maternity (nursing/pumping wear)
- Ceres Chill (milk storage container)
- Cimilre (breast pump)
- CoBoo (flange lubrication spray)
- Davin & Adley (nursing and pumping bras)
- Dockatot (lounger for infants and toddlers)
- Earth Mama Organics (organic mama and baby products)
- Eczema Honey (skin care)
- Fairhaven Health (fertility, pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding products)
- Idaho Jones (breast pump bags and accessories)
- Imani (breast pump)
- Junobie (breastmilk storage bag)
- Just ‘n Case (breast pads)
- Kindred Bravely (nursing & pumping wear)
- La Petite Creme (cleanser replacement for baby wipes)
- Larken (pumping/nursing wear, postpartum essentials)
- LaVie (Breast massagers)
- Lilu (hands-free breast massage)
- Limerick (breast pump)
- Love and Fit (nursing/pumping wear)
- Mama Bar (protein bar)
- Mama’s Milk Wrap (breastfeeding wrap)
- Milk + Honey (breastmilk jewelry)
- Milk By Mom (freeze drying breastmilk)
- Milkies (breastmilk jewelry)
- Milkify (freeze drying breastmilk)
- Momzelle (nursing/pumping wear)
- Motherfigure (directory, magazine, maternity clothing)
- Motif Medical (breast pump)
- Niki’s (all natural baby wipes)
- Nursing Queen (nursing/pumping wear)
- Original Sprout (hair, skin and baby products)
- Peanut (app)
- PeapodMats (mattress protector)
- Peek-A-Boob (nursing/pumping wear)
- Pumpin Pal (angled pump flanges)
- Puracy (cleaning products)
- Rumble Tuff (breast pump)
- Rumina (nursing/pumping wear)
- Sheila Darling Mindfulness Coaching (social worker)
- Silverette (silver nursing cups to heal nipples)
- Simple Wishes (nursing/pumping wear)
- Solid Starts (introducing solids)
- Spand-Ice (hot/cold wrap)
- Teami (tea)
- The Breastfeeding Shop (insurance covered breast pumps)
- The Dairy Fairy (nursing/pumping wear)
- Zomee (breast pump)
Interested in becoming a sponsor? You can purchase episode packages for an affordable price. Just ask for a copy of our media kit and we will get it right over to you!