Melatonin is a hormone that plays a role in sleep. Babies do not make their own melatonin, they get it from our breastmilk!
Timed Feeds Vs On Demand
We are often told to schedule the feedings for our babies, but for breastfed babies timed feeds can be detrimental to our success.
REPLAY-Increasing Milk Supply
We’re discussing how breastmilk is made in our bodies and reliable ways in which supply can be increased when needed.
Tips To Make Breastfeeding Easier
Breastfeeding is hard and can lead to so much loneliness and confusion. But there are things you can do to make it easier.
Introducing Baby To Bottles
Bottle feeding is absolutely necessary if you need to spend time away from your baby, but we are never taught how to properly feed with them.
Stupid Shit You See On Social Media
Social media is a great way to connect with others, but the information being spread around is not always reliable.
Signs Breastfeeding Is Going Well
There are many unreliable signs that people follow to determine if breastfeeding is going well. We are sharing the reliable signs.
Growth Charts and Percentiles
Growth charts and percentiles are a main conversation point in your pediatrician’s office, but they might cause more worry than necessary.
Are You Worried About Foremilk and Hindmilk?
Concerns about foremilk and hindmilk are unwarranted because your body makes the perfect milk for your baby.
Pumping Myths
Pumping breastmilk for your baby is hard enough. Making it even more difficult is the lack of correct information regarding the logistics of expressing breastmilk and how our bodies work.