How can you maintain your breastfeeding relationship and milk supply while pumping enough to give your baby when they need it?
How to help other breastfeeders
Have you ever wanted to help another breastfeeder, but didn’t know how to approach them?
Constantly nursing babies
Do you feel like your baby is constantly nursing? Are you worried that they are nursing too much or that you aren’t making enough milk?
Dealing with daycare
When your baby goes to daycare and you want to provide breast milk you may run into some hurdles. We can help you through!
Introducing bottles to a breastfed baby
Are you ready to start bottles but feeling nervous about it? Or have you already started bottles, but your baby hates it? Now what?
Breastfeeding While Pregnant
With more people breastfeeding longer, sometimes we find ourselves pregnant while we are still breastfeeding. You can probably continue!
Myths about starting solids
Starting solids can be terribly confusing because there is so much misinformation. We will help you sort it out!
Pumping Stories From Badasses
Whether you hate pumping or love pumping you will feel validated with this episode, but mostly if you hate it.