This week, join Dianne and Abby (well, you never know what kid or furry friend will show up too) as they discuss weaning from the pump. This is a concern that comes up for a lot of mothers who are pumping at work or have had to pump for their baby. Does this sound like you? Check it out!
053 Losing Your Shit
This week, Abby and Dianne talk about losing your shit, and how it is likely to happen, if it hasn’t already. Join the rest of us as we discover that this is something that many mothers experience, and you are not the only one.
052 Postpartum Mood Disorders
This week, Dianne and Abby talk about post partum struggles and mood disorders. Post partum mood disorders are more common than most people realize. Want to hear more? Check it out this week.
051 Constipation in the Breastfeeding Baby
This week, Dianne and Abby talk about poop. Do breastfed babies get constipated? Listen this week and get the whole story!
050 Stress and Breastfeeding
This week, Dianne and Abby are discussing stress and whether or not it impacts milk supply or breastfeeding. It’s an especially stressful episode this week, with Abby’s kids making an appearance and Dianne’s dogs barking at the mailman. Don’t miss it!
049 Exercise and Breastfeeding
This week, Dianne and Abby talk about exercise, and what it’s like to get back into fitness again after you have a baby. Check it out!
048 Breastmilk Sharing, Cross Nursing
This week, Dianne and Abby talk about the controversial subject of milk sharing. Listen up this week to learn more!
047 U.S. Breastfeeding News Story
This week, Dianne and Abby are talking about breastfeeding in the news, and the sometimes-political world of breastfeeding. It’s a part of breastfeeding you never knew existed!
046 Breastfeeding Preemies
“Honey, my co-worker’s wife just had a preemie. The little guy is only 34 weeks! My co-worker and his wife […]
045 Becoming a Breastfeeding Advocate
This week Dianne and Abby spend time talking about becoming a breastfeeding advocate, CLC, Lactation Educator and IBCLC.