This week Dianne and Abby are discussing gassy babies and putting to rest your worries about what you are eating. Stop reading labels for 30 minutes to get educated on the bowels of newborns and just how difficult it is to pass that normal gas.
040 – Oversupply, When You Make Too Much Breastmilk
“Honey! I think someone spilled something in the bed. There is a huge wet spot.” “No, it’s just my boobs. […]
039 – When the Breastfed Baby Refuses Bottles
This week Dianne and Abby are answering your burning question, “How in the world do I get my baby to take a bottle?” Don’t fret just yet. You have enough to worry about, let us help you get your baby started.
038 Breastfeeding Boundaries
Yes, we can help you continue to breastfeed and meet your personal goals. It’s totally normal to want to have some boundaries for yourself. Boundaries can help you avoid weaning before you feel ready.
037 Body Changes While Breastfeeding
Listen this week as Dianne and Abby discuss body changes that come with breastfeeding. Everything from engorged breasts to vaginal dryness to uterine contractions. We’re letting it all hang out.
036 Breastfeeding Multiples
Listen this week as Dianne and Abby crush some more myths. This time about breastfeeding multiples. Your body will absolutely make enough milk for your babies, no matter how many there are! It can be a challenge to figure out the logistics, but you got this.
031 Traveling While Breastfeeding & Adoptive Breastfeeding – 2 Listener Questions
Listen this week as Dianne and Abby read and answer listener questions. They will talk about traveling with your breastfeeding baby and feeding an adoptive baby.
030 Distracted Breastfeeding Babies
Listen this week as Dianne and Abby discuss the distracted baby. Tune in for some cues to look for and some ideas how to deal with your distracted little guy (or girl).
027 Skin to Skin Benefits to Breastfeeding and Beyond
Listen this week as Dianne and Abby discuss the benefits of being skin to skin with your baby, And if for some reason you can’t do it at some point, dad can fill in for you! .
026 Breastfeeding Misinformation From Medical Professionals
Listen this week as Dianne relates a story of a recent interaction with a physician. Abby and Dianne discuss your expectations with your doctor.