This week on the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast, Dianne and Abby are talking about nursing behaviors such as nipple twiddling. Have you heard about this? Experienced it? You definitely want to listen.
071 Overfeeding: Paced Bottle Feeding
Dianne and Abby get questions ALL. THE. TIME about babies and bottle feeding pumped milk. If you have ever left your little one with someone else and left a bottle, or if you plan to, this is a must-listen!
070 Breastfeeding to Sleep
This is a must listen episode! Dianne and Abby are on their soapbox, addressing the hot topic of nursing your baby to sleep. This is something that is talked about so often, and a topic that gets a lot of attention in society and on social media.
066 Breastfeeding Fears
This week, Dianne and Abby talk about 7 specific fears that breastfeeding women have identified. This list comes from Amy Spangler, from her website Are yours on the list?
065 Breastfeeding and the Holidays
“Hey honey, I know we have a big holiday party coming up with my family. Should we get a babysitter […]
064 Supplementing For the Breastfeeding Baby
“Hey honey, my friend just had a baby, and her doctor has her supplementing. I feel so bad for her, […]
063 Rebecca’s NICU Breastfeeding Journey – Photo Contest Winner Interview
This week, Dianne and Abby talk to Rebecca, the winner of the very first Badass Breastfeeding Podcast photo contest! Tune in and listen to Rebecca’s story about overcoming many obstacles to be successful in her breastfeeding journey with her son. Congratulations Rebecca!
061 How To Pump At Work
“Hey honey, did you start pumping milk for our little guy yet? You’re going back to work soon, and I […]
057 Cavities and Breastfeeding
This week, Dianne and Abby face off with the myth about breastfeeding and night feeds causing cavities. Have you ever heard this myth? Tune in for the facts.
056 Tongue Ties in Breastfeeding Babies
Listen this week as Dianne and Abby talk about tongue ties, lip ties, and all the hoopla that surrounds it. Are you concerned about your baby being tongue or lip tied? Check out this week’s podcast for more information.