Have you received mixed messages about milk storage?
Are you worried about mixing cold milk with warm, or if there are rules regarding breastmilk bottles?
You are not alone. Let’s talk about the research and break it all down.
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Things we talked about:
Lisa’s story [5:46]
Figuring out pumping [16:06]
All of this is lost on anyone who hasn’t experienced it [19:53]
The renewed focus on the power of breastmilk [22:56]
Getting into the research about milk pooling and storing [30:14]
Milk storage and food handling [33:19]
Breastmilk is not dead flesh, it’s a live substance [35:23]
Making things more difficult [45:01]
Can you give the same bottle more than once? [51:54]
NICU babies and decreased bacteria in milk [59:56]
Medicine is slow to change [1:00:33]
Finding Lisa [1:09:52]
This week’s episode is also brought to you by Ceres Chill! Ceres Chill offers guaranteed convenience with their double walled stainless steel container for breastmilk or formula. Use code ‘badassbreastfeeders25’ for 25% off at www.cereschill.com.

Links to information we discussed or episodes you should check out!
Research from Dr. Steven Townsend
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6019282/pdf/nihms-974627.pdf
- https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.accounts.8b00630
Here is a video regarding his research: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMEvacLuxq0&t=3s
Here is his bio: https://www.vanderbilt.edu/chemistry/faculty/townsend.php
Research from Dr. Lisa Stellwagen about the benefits of pooling milk and mixing temperatures:
Updated recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics regarding mixing warm and cold milk
Ceres Chill Blog about warm/chilled breastmilk
Analysis by Dr. Trill Paullin that is posted in our “Ceres Series” articles:
Anyone who is interested in donating breastmilk for research purposes please email [email protected]. Even as little as half an ounce is hugely impactful for the independent research being done at Vanderbilt under an NIH grant
Set up your consultation with Dianne
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Don’t Forget!! Dianne and Abby have started the new parenting podcast! Check out Revolution Parenting!
Here is how you can connect with Dianne and Abby~
- Abby Theuring https://www.thebadassbreastfeeder.com
- Dianne Cassidy http://www.diannecassidyconsulting.com
Music we use~
Music: “Levels of Greatness” from “We Used to Paint Stars in the Sky (2012)” courtesy of Scott Holmes at freemusicarchive.org/music/ScottHolmes