Has anyone given you questionable parenting advice?

Have you heard the phrase “sharing is caring?”

Does ‘time out’ as a punishment sound strange?

Tune in for some real reasons and guidance on why some if these things are considered bad parenting advice.

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Things we talked about:

No sponsors or breaks today, just talk [00:38]

Different parenting ideas [10:08]

Kids, like babies, are all different [11:58]

Dianne’s first parenting fail [12:20]

Food guilt [13:35]

The slogan Abby hates [18:44]

The Apology [21:52]

Why you shouldn’t make your kids show affection [24:34]

Time out [27:38]

Parenting podcast on the horizon? [36:37]

This week’s shout out [00:55]
Erica Dudley, CBS, IBCLC

@EnrichedLactation on IG

Parenting websites



A word about “good job”


Here is how you can connect with Dianne and Abby~

Music we use~

Music: “Levels of Greatness” from “We Used to Paint Stars in the Sky (2012)” courtesy of Scott Holmes at freemusicarchive.org/music/Scott Holmes