Rebecca Michi is a sleep consultant who practices gentle techniques to support families searching for answers about their baby’s sleep.
Can babies self-soothe?
Babies are expected to self-soothe but we don’t see breastfeeding as a method of self-soothing that leads to other forms when developmentally appropriate.
Spoiling Babies
Our culture values independence over nurturing. Breastfeeding parents are sometimes told that they are spoiling their babies.
The Science Behind Cry it Out
Cry it out is a form of sleep training that many people have heard about. We are discussing the science behind this controversial practice.
Night Weaning and Boundaries
Have you become so frustrated with nighttime breastfeeding that you want to night wean? Have you wondered about night weaning, but you’re just too tired to figure it out?
Are you interested in setting up some breastfeeding boundaries with your baby/child? Well mamas, this is it. If the answer isn’t in this episode, we can tell you where to find the answer (also in this episode).