There’s nothing “extended” about it! Breastfeeding until toddlerhood and beyond is the biological norm and there are endless reasons to do it.
Delayed Onset Low Milk Supply
Did you know that you can start out with a healthy milk supply and end up later on struggling with supply?
Becoming a Lactation Consultant
We are discussing the pathways to becoming an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) to support others in their lactation journey!
Dieting and health as a breastfeeder
It’s common to worry about your health as a new parent and many of us want to lose weight, but we worry about how this will affect our milk supply.
Pre Term and Late Term Babies
Babies born pre term or late pre term have a unique set of struggles getting started with breastfeeding.
Accidental Weaning
It is possible to be confused by the changing breastfeeding behavior of our babies and to find yourself accidentally weaning.
Gassy Babies
We worry so much when our babies are gassy that we start to look for any reason it could be happening and usually breastmilk is to blame.
Infant Mental Health
Our mental health begins in infancy and what we experience as infants affects our mental health for the rest of our lives.
Nighttime sanity as a breastfeeder
Listen in for some more tips and information about what to do when night time comes around
and you just want to hold on to whatever sanity you have left.
Does breastfeeding make them needy?
Many people think that breastfeeding makes babies needy. But babies can’t be needy. They have needs and we are responsible for meeting them.