We are discussing infant sleep and how sleep develops in the first weeks and months of life with sleep consultant Rebecca Michi.
Schedules and Routines
It’s ok to look for some structure and predictability in your day! We’re talking about schedules and routines.
Breastfeeding Expectations
The expectations that we have about how breastfeeding will go, sleep and how our baby will behave affect how successful we feel when baby arrives.
Breastfeeding Misconceptions
There are many misconceptions around our bodies, infant behavior and formula that interfere with the process of getting started with breastfeeding.
All About Sleep with Rebecca Michi
Rebecca Michi is a sleep consultant who practices gentle techniques to support families searching for answers about their baby’s sleep.
Is baby sleeping through the night yet?
When we look at infant sleep from an evolutionary perspective, we see that it’s normal and necessary for them to wake frequently.
Why don’t babies sleep through the night?
Everyone around us tells us that our babies should be sleeping through the night so why don’t they?
Managing Nighttime Breastfeeding
We’re discussing what is physiologically normal for our babies to do when it comes to eating and sleeping and how to manage through the night.
Normal Sleep Behavior with Rebecca Michi
Rebecca Michi is a sleep consultant and talks to us about misinformation surrounding sleep, how sleep develops and what’s normal.
Breastfeeding Myths to Put In the Garbage
There is an abundance of breastfeeding information on the internet, but much of it is either outdated or just plain wrong!