Factors such as birthing interventions and early breastfeeding experiences can lead to low supply right from the start.
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December 2022
Factors such as birthing interventions and early breastfeeding experiences can lead to low supply right from the start.
Nipples shields can be useful when there is an issue with latch and while you are working with an IBCLC to resolve that issue.
Expressing colostrum in the final weeks of pregnancy is beneficial in the case that your newborn needs supplementation.
Bedsharing and SIDS are topics that have some of the most misinformation surrounding them, but some of the strongest science!
It’s the holiday season again and we are likely to run into pushy and opinionated family members who don’t take a hint.
It seems just about everything is “not recommended while breastfeeding, but what is truly not safe to do while nursing?