“Honey, I was listening to the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast this morning. Dianne and Abby were talking about boundaries. I think that’s something I need.”
“Honey, what do you mean by boundaries? Do you want me to stay away from you?”
“Honey, not boundaries from you. Boundaries with breastfeeding. I have thought about this on days when I feel like I want to wean because I am just so overwhelmed. But I always feel guilty. Dianne and Abby explain it in a way that makes a lot of sense. I think we need this.”
“Ok honey. I will listen to the podcast today and get the details. Then I can help support you if this is what you want.”
This week on the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast, Dianne and Abby are discussing breastfeeding boundaries. This is a topic that is very important to Abby and can really help a lot with breastfeeding. You don’t want to miss this very supportive and informational episode!
This week’s episode is brought to you by Peanut. The Peanut App is a social network for modern motherhood, enabling moms to meet, chat and learn from one another. It’s free in the app store!
Thanks for all the reviews on iTunes! They really help us out. Please keep them coming!! Stay tuned because we will have another comment giveaway soon!!
Dianne can be seen at DianneCassidyConsulting.com and Abby can be seen at thebadassbreastfeeder.com
Music: “Levels of Greatness” from “We Used to Paint Stars in then Sky (2012)” courtesy of Scott Holmes at freemusicarchive.org/music/Scott Holmes