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Do you have a baby who is interested in everything except for nursing? Is your baby distracted by everything happening around them? Don’t worry, it’s completely normal. But how do you feed a distracted baby? Listen this week as Dianne and Abby discuss distracted babies and ways to cope.
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Things we talked about:
Distracted babies at Dianne’s office [6:02]
Developmental time – 4 months [9:47]
Sleep disruption [10:37]
The bedsharing dilemma [13:00]
Partner help [14:50]
The only way past it is through it [18:28]
Baby carriers [22:28]
Suggestions to cope [23:34]
How long does it last [26:28]
Nursing in a carrier [31:20]
Today’s episode is brought to you by Milk and Honey Jewelry! Milk and Honey is a keepsake jewelry company specializing in heirloom-quality jewelry made with your own breast milk. Head to and use code BADASS for 20% off your order!

Links to information we discussed or episodes you should check out!
Set up your consultation with Dianne
Check out Dianne’s blog here:
Here is how you can connect with Dianne and Abby:
AbbyTheuring ,
Dianne Cassidy @diannecassidyibclc,
Music we use:
Music: “Levels of Greatness” from “We Used to Paint Stars in the Sky (2012)” courtesy of Scott Holmes at Holmes1