As new parents we hear that we need to do better “self care” if we are feeling overwhelmed. This often has us feeling even more inadequate.
Dangers of Overfeeding
We are usually so concerned that our baby isn’t getting enough milk that we don’t realize that babies can actually be overfed.
Drinking alcohol while breastfeeding
Few topics bring up as many emotions as breastfeeding and alcohol, but few topics have as much science backing them up.
The best breast pump hacks
You were likely never taught how to use your breast pump so we are sharing the best hacks to make your job easier.
Triple Feeding
Triple feeding is when you are breastfeeding, supplementing and pumping. This is extremely difficult and should not be your long term plan.
Weaning an older baby
Weaning is a part of breastfeeding and a personal choice. We’ll give you the information you need to wean a baby that is over 1 year old.
Newborn weight loss
It is normal for babies to lose weight when they are first born. You will learn why they lose weight and how much to expect them to lose.
Bonding without bottles
There are many ways that family and friends can bond with your baby without you having to pump for them to use a bottle.
Solutions to breastfeeding problems
Anyone who breastfeeds is likely going to come across some problems. They can be fixed when you have the information you need!
Breastfeeding and libido
Did your libido disappear after having a baby? Or did your sex drive jump through the roof? Either way you are not alone!