“Hey honey, did you start pumping milk for our little guy yet? You’re going back to work soon, and I […]
060 Breastfeeding and Sex Drive
This week on the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast, Dianne and Abby talk about what happens to your sex drive once you have a baby. Will you ever see it again? Is your libido MIA? Check out the podcast this week to learn more about what’s really going on.
059 Night Away From Your Breastfeeding Baby
This week on the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast, Dianne and Abby talk about what to expect if you plan to leave your baby and get away for the night (or more than a night). How do you handle pumping? What kind of instructions should you leave for the caregiver? How do you NOT feel guilty the whole time? Get all the info this week on the podcast.
048 Breastmilk Sharing, Cross Nursing
This week, Dianne and Abby talk about the controversial subject of milk sharing. Listen up this week to learn more!
046 Breastfeeding Preemies
“Honey, my co-worker’s wife just had a preemie. The little guy is only 34 weeks! My co-worker and his wife […]
042 Gassy Breastfeeding Babies
This week Dianne and Abby are discussing gassy babies and putting to rest your worries about what you are eating. Stop reading labels for 30 minutes to get educated on the bowels of newborns and just how difficult it is to pass that normal gas.
038 Breastfeeding Boundaries
Yes, we can help you continue to breastfeed and meet your personal goals. It’s totally normal to want to have some boundaries for yourself. Boundaries can help you avoid weaning before you feel ready.
030 Distracted Breastfeeding Babies
Listen this week as Dianne and Abby discuss the distracted baby. Tune in for some cues to look for and some ideas how to deal with your distracted little guy (or girl).
028 Trauma, Misinformation and New Baby Prep, Laura’s Email – Part 1
Listen this week as Dianne and Abby read a listener’s email and try to answer her questions. There was a lot to this one, so much that it is going to take two podcasts to cover. Tune in next Monday for part 2.
027 Skin to Skin Benefits to Breastfeeding and Beyond
Listen this week as Dianne and Abby discuss the benefits of being skin to skin with your baby, And if for some reason you can’t do it at some point, dad can fill in for you! .