Growth charts and percentiles are a main conversation point in your pediatrician’s office, but they might cause more worry than necessary.
Are You Worried About Foremilk and Hindmilk?
Concerns about foremilk and hindmilk are unwarranted because your body makes the perfect milk for your baby.
Pumping Myths
Pumping breastmilk for your baby is hard enough. Making it even more difficult is the lack of correct information regarding the logistics of expressing breastmilk and how our bodies work.
Clingy Breastfed Babies
It’s a sign of a sick society when we call babies “clingy” because they breastfeed frequently or cry when put down.
Conflicting Information
If you have a baby you have likely received conflicting information that left confused about how to get started with breastfeeding.
Nursing Aversion With Melissa Morns
Nursing aversion is a negative feeling while breastfeeding your child. It’s causes and interventions remain mostly unknown.
Baby Friendly Hospitals
For hospitals to become designated “baby friendly hospitals” they must follow a certain set of guidelines that support breastfeeding.
Big Boobs, Small Boobs, Flat Nipples, Inverted Nipples
The shape and size of your breasts and nipples do not mean you cannot breastfeed. We have tips to help get a good latch.
Shaming and Judging
Shame seems to be everywhere when it comes to breastfeeding, chestfeeding, bottle feeding or any other parenting decisions. How do we handle it and what can we do to bing more positivity to our experiences?
Nursing While Pregnant and Tandem Nursing
We’re correcting all of the misinformation about nursing while pregnant and tandem nursing.