There are many reasons why someone might combination feed breastmilk, donor milk or formula. Here are the details you need to be successful!
The Science Behind Cry it Out
Cry it out is a form of sleep training that many people have heard about. We are discussing the science behind this controversial practice.
Marijuana and Breastfeeding
Marijuana is becoming more legalized and people want to know if it’s safe to use it while breastfeeding. And you deserve information!
Hilarious Baby Items
There are thousands of baby items on the market, but are they all necessary? Or are some of them just plain useless and even hilarious?
Breastfeeding and Diet
You might be concerned about your diet but what is the actual science behind what we eat and its affect on our milk?
What happens at a Lactation Consultation?
Make sure you have all the information you need so you can be ready to get everything you need out of your lactation consultation.
The Science of Comfort Nursing
Comfort nursing is not just pacifying your baby. There is important biological processes happening that facilitate attachment.
You reached 1 year, now what?!
Once you make it to 1 year breastfeeding, you have the freedom to change things up a bit like stopping pumping and creating boundaries.
Breastfeeding Support Red Flags
Red flags are things to watch for from breastfeeding support people that might indicate that they don’t have the best info to help you.
Normal Sleep Behavior with Rebecca Michi
Rebecca Michi is a sleep consultant and talks to us about misinformation surrounding sleep, how sleep develops and what’s normal.