Posted in: August 2020

6 Things That Are Pissing Abby Off

Have you ever been so fed up with something that you want to tell everyone about it?
Have you had enough of negativity and judgmental attitudes?
Do you want to find out what would make Abby so pissed off that she bans people from her social media community?
Listen up. This episode is everything.

Posted in: August 2020

Black Breastfeeding Week With Miesha, The Nurse Milk

It’s Black Breastfeeding Week! Join us for an amazing interview with Meisha, The Nurse Milk! You will learn so much about the history behind Black Breastfeeding. Don’t miss this!

Posted in: August 2020

Night Weaning and Boundaries

Have you become so frustrated with nighttime breastfeeding that you want to night wean? Have you wondered about night weaning, but you’re just too tired to figure it out?
Are you interested in setting up some breastfeeding boundaries with your baby/child? Well mamas, this is it. If the answer isn’t in this episode, we can tell you where to find the answer (also in this episode).

Posted in: August 2020

Breastfeeding Around The World – World Breastfeeding Week 2020

Every year, August 1-7 is deemed World Breastfeeding Week. The month of August is World Breastfeeding Month. Stay tuned all month for educational and empowering information about breastfeeding from all over the globe.