It is possible to breastfeed after a period of time that you were exclusively pumping. Here is how you can manage the transition.
When Someone Who Tells You To Wean
Weaning is a personal decision and no one should tell you when or how to do it. Your boobs, your business!
Caffeine and Elimination Diets
Caffeine and elimination diets. Does caffeine keep your baby awake? Do you have to give up your favorite foods? Find out!
Microbiome and Poop
Your milk affects your baby’s microbiome, their poop and the development of their gut. We discuss the science this week.
Feeding and Hunger Cues
Feeding cues…do you know what your baby’s feeding cues look like? If you aren’t completely sure, you aren’t alone.
Overfeeding is so common! We are not taught how to properly use bottles or how to know when baby has had enough.
REPLAY – Alcohol and Milk Supply
Please enjoy this replay from 2019 while we enjoy our Holidays with our families!!
Combination Feeding (Breastmilk or Formula)
There are many reasons why someone might combination feed breastmilk, donor milk or formula. Here are the details you need to be successful!
The Science Behind Cry it Out
Cry it out is a form of sleep training that many people have heard about. We are discussing the science behind this controversial practice.
Marijuana and Breastfeeding
Marijuana is becoming more legalized and people want to know if it’s safe to use it while breastfeeding. And you deserve information!