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Posted in: February 2020

131 – Dealing With Unsupportive Medical Professionals

Have you ever been told something about breastfeeding that may not be true?

Do you feel like you may have received breastfeeding information from someone who is not a lactation professional?

Was this non-lactation professional your pediatrician? Dentist? Pharmacist?

Well, you are not alone.

Posted in: February 2020

130 – Clogged Ducts And Mastitis

Clogged ducts~what are they and how do the happen? [4:10]
Tit in a teacup [6:05]
Heat or ice? [7:35]
New uses for your electric toothbrush and/or your vibrator [8:11]
Recurring plugs…can this happen? [10:20]
Your milk is FINE [11:28]
We definitely need another myth show [12:10]
How many times can Abby say “tit in a teacup” [13:54]
Other creative ways to clear a plug [14:08]
Milk blebs [20:18]

Posted in: February 2020

129 – Balancing Solids With Breastfeeding

Are you getting ready to start solids and you are freaking out because you aren’t sure how to do it?

Were you given very little guidance about starting solids?

Are you questioning how to balance solid foods and breastfeeding? If so, we are glad you’re listening.  We may not be that helpful, be we are here for you.

Posted in: January 2020
badass breastfeeding podcast

127 – Vitamin D and Iron Supplements For Breastfeeding Babies

Were you told you should give Iron or Vitamin D supplements to your breastfed baby?Are you unsure how your baby even gets the nutrients they need? Do you ever wonder if your breastmilk has the nutrients it needs when you may be deficient? This is the podcast episode for you. You will learn all you need to know about iron and vitamin d… so get ready.