Did you know that breasts have a storage capacity that affects breastfeeding behavior and does not mean you have low milk supply?
138 – Defiant Doctor Talk (Explicit Language)
Has your doctor given you incorrect breastfeeding information? Do you providers support your breastfeeding choices? Have you gotten pressure to wean before you were ready?
137 – Replay – Nighttime Breastfeeding With Tracy Cassels, PhD – Evolutionary Parenting
This week on the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast, Abby talks with Dr. Tracy Cassels, the author at Evolutionary Parenting. You do not want to miss this amazing interview. Dr. Cassels will talk about how evolution plays a role in your baby’s behaviors, and why your baby does what they do as a newborn.
136 – COVID-19, Breastfeeding & Birth
Are you worried about COVID 19 and how this may impact breastfeeding and birth?
135 – Fun Uses For Breastmilk
Have you ever wondered what you could do with breastmilk besides feed your baby?
134 – Breastfeeding and Medications
Have you ever wondered if you can take a certain medication while breastfeeding?
133 – Guilt With Breastfeeding
Have you ever experienced “mom guilt”? You know, that feeling of guilt you carry over everything as soon as you […]
132 – Breastfeeding And Cavities
Have you ever been told that you should wean because your baby will get cavities from your breastmilk?
131 – Dealing With Unsupportive Medical Professionals
Have you ever been told something about breastfeeding that may not be true?
Do you feel like you may have received breastfeeding information from someone who is not a lactation professional?
Was this non-lactation professional your pediatrician? Dentist? Pharmacist?
Well, you are not alone.
130 – Clogged Ducts And Mastitis
Clogged ducts~what are they and how do the happen? [4:10]
Tit in a teacup [6:05]
Heat or ice? [7:35]
New uses for your electric toothbrush and/or your vibrator [8:11]
Recurring plugs…can this happen? [10:20]
Your milk is FINE [11:28]
We definitely need another myth show [12:10]
How many times can Abby say “tit in a teacup” [13:54]
Other creative ways to clear a plug [14:08]
Milk blebs [20:18]